1977: OPC: Star Wars Series 1 – Blue Series Card #40 (French/English) text
1977: OPC: Star Wars Series 1 – Blue Series Card # 40 – Droids rescue their masters!
The Cards is Raw
If you wish to grade these cards Check my blog about should I grade them not. Thise card range in the PSA 7 VG
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1 in stock
Vintage Selection | 2. See-Threepio And Artoo-Detoo, 6. Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, 8. Grand Moff Tarkin, 9. Rebels Defend Their Starship!, 10. Princess Leia- Captured!, 11. Artoo Is Imprisoned By The Jawas, 16. Jawas Of Tatooine, 17. Lord Vader Threatens Princess Leia!, 18. Artoo-Detoo Is Missing!, 20. Hunted By The Sandpeople!, 21. The Tusken Raiders, 22. Rescued By Ben Kenobi, 23. See-Threepio Is Injured!, 24. Stormtroopers Seek The Droids!, 28. Luke agrees to join Ben Kenobi, 29. Stopped By Stormtroopers, 31. Sighting The Death Star, 32. Lord Vader's Guards, 33. The Droids In The Control Room, 34. See-Threepio Diverts The Guards, 35. Luke And Han As Stormtroopers, 36. Blast Of The Laser Rifle!, 37. Cornered In The Labyrinth, 41. Facing The Deadly Chasm, 42. Stormtroopers Attack!, 43. Luke Prepares To Swing Across The Chasm, 44. Han And Chewie Shoot It Out!, 46. A Desperate Moment For Ben, 48. Artoo-Detoo Is Loaded Aboard, 49. The rebels monitor the raid, 50. Rebel Leaders Wonder About Their Fate!, 51. See-Threepio And Princess Leia, 52. Who Will Win The Final Star War?, 53. Battle In Outer Space!, 54. The Victors Receive Their Reward, 55. Han, Chewie And Luke, 56. A Day Of Rejoicing!, 57. Mark Hamill As Luke Skywalker, 58. Harrison Ford As Han Solo, 59. Alec Guinness As Ben Kenobi, 60. Peter Cushing As Grand Moff Tarkin, 61. Mark Hamill In Control Room, 63. May The Force Be With You!, 66. Amazing Robot See-Threepio!, 68. See-Threepio!, 70. Tusken Raider |
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