2007: Star Wars 30th Anniversary: Triptych Puzzle Piece Single Cards
1. Escaping Fate 1. Hidden in Plain Sight 1. Imprisonment 1. Insurmountable Odds 2. Escaping Fate 2. Hidden in Plain Sight 2. Imprisonment 2. Insurmountable Odds 3. Escaping Fate 3. Hidden in Plain Sight 3. Imprisonment 3. Insurmountable Odds 1. Master and Apprentice 1. The Power of the Force 1. The Underworld 1. Tyranny 2. Master and Apprentice 2. The Power of the Force 2. The Underworld 2. Tyranny 3. Master and Apprentice 3. The Power of the Force 3. The Underworld 1. Bravery 2. Bravery