2016: Rogue One Series 1: Base Single Cards
1 Jyn Erso 31 Bodhi on Board 61 Rush to Duty 2 Captain Cassian Andor 32 Death Troopers on the Hunt 62 A Call to Action 3 Baze Malbus 33 In the Streets of Jedha 63 Ragged Rebels 4 Bodhi Rook 34 Corporal Pao on Scarif 64 Meeting of the Mon Calamari 5 Chirrut Imwe 35 Patrolling the Scarif Shores 65 Death Star Gunner 6 Saw Gerrera 36 The Yavin 4 Hangar 66 A Meeting of Krennic and Erso 7 Bistan 37 Blue Squadron 68 Servants of the Empire 8 Mon 38 Galen Erso 69 Stormtrooper in the Jungle 9 Blue Leader 39 Lt. Zal Dinnes(Red Eight) 71 Hammering Out the Plan 10 General Draven 40 Rebels Keep Watch 72 The Battle Approaches 11 Darth Vader 41 Imperial Shoretrooper 73 The Leadership of Mon Mothma 12 Death Trooper 42 Shoretroopers Prepare 74 A Rebellion United 13 Director Krennic 43 Pilgrims to Jedha 75 Rebellion Commando 14 Royal Guard 44 Death Trooper in Action 76 Baze Takes Aim 15 Red Squadron Pilots 45 Preparing for the Arrival 77 Cassian Listens In 16 Officers of the Empire 46 Rebel Hero Jyn Erso 78 Harbingers in Black 17 General Jan Dodonna 47 The Growing Threat 79 After the Fight 18 Benthic and Edrio Two Tubes 49 Blue Leader Takes Flight 80 An offer to Jyn 19 Pao In The Sun 50 Rebels Engage 81 Chirrut's Warning 20 Imperial Stormtroopers 51 Jyn's Departure 82 Briefing for the Mission Ahead 21 Jyn Undercover 52 Reporting to Krennic 83 Director Krennic's Obsession 23 The Death Trooper & Destruction 53 Confrontation with the Assault Tank 84 Taking on the Empire 24 Ready to Depart 54 Unleashed on the Empire 85 Rebellion Ground Forces 25 A Brotherhood of Two 55 Pilgrims on Jedha 86 Lieutenant Sefla 26 Defense of Scarif 56 Patrol of Oppression 87 The Alliance Confer Before Battle 27 Imperial Forces Take Cover 57 Rebel Pathfinder 88 Bistan Prepares in the Hangar 28 Baze Fights Back 59 Helming the Assault Tank 89 Troopers on Patrol 29 Storming the Beach 60 Scarif Attack 90 Baze Back at Base 30 The Spiritual Soul of Chirrut