2019: Chrome Legacy: Base Single Cards 1. Ambassadors of the Republic 51. Battle Over Coruscant 101. The Frozen Wasteland 151. Meeting In Secret 2. Jedi Under Siege 52. Barely Landing 102. An Icy Stand-off 152. Holding the Blaster Bolt 3. The Phantom Menace 53. Elevator Trouble 103. Hanging in the Ice 153. The Conscientious Stormtrooper 4. Bargaining for Jar Jar 54. Specializing in Sith Lords 104. Protection of the Tauntaun 154. A Solitary Scavenger 5. The Planet Core 55. The Execution of Count Dooku 105. Darth Vader's Chamber 155. Rey at Home 6. Theed Occupied 56. Another Rough Landing 106. The Imperial Walkers 156. Poe's Interrogation 7. Jedi Rescue 57. Anakin's Appointment 107. Into the Asteroid Field 157. Escaping the Crash 8. The Apprentice Introduced 58. A Night at the Opera 108. Swamp Crash 158. Rey and Finn Meet 9. The Hero: R2-D2 59. Wookiee Rage 109. Answering the Emperor's Call 159. Stealing the Millennium Falcon 10. Meeting Anakin 60. A Last Good-Bye 110. Introducing Yoda 160. Han and Chewie Return 11. Meeting R2-D2 61. Obi-Wan's Surprise Entrance 111. Kiss on the Falcon 161. Running from the Rathtar 12. Mission of the Sith 62. Face to Face with General Grievous 112. Escaping the Asteroid 162. Inside Maz's Castle 13. The Podrace 63. Palpatine's Proposition 113. A Jedi's Training 163. Rey's Awakening 14. Anakin's Victory 64. The End of General Grievous 114. Bounty Hunter Line-Up 164. Starkiller Super-Beam 15. Darth Maul's Attack 65. Mace Windu Confronts the Chancellor 115. Cave of Darkness 165. Finn against FN-2199 16. Obi-Wan Kenobi, meet Anakin Skywalker 66. Mace Windu's Evasion 116. Yoda's Shocking Power 166. General Leia's Landing 17. Before the Jedi Council 67. The Rise of Darth Vader 117. C-3PO Blasted! 167. Escape through the Force 18. The Senate Chamber 68. Order 66 118. Dinner With Vader 168. Captain Phasma Bends 19. Anakin's Test 69. Captain Cody Takes Aim 119. I Love You? 169. A Joyous Reunion 20. The True Queen Revealed 70. Yoda Survives 120. I Know 170. Father and Son Face off 21. Facing the Sith Lord 71. Senate Room Showdown 121. Han's Carbonite Prison 171. X-wing assault! 22. Duel of the Fates 72. The Fight on Mustafar 122. Duel in the Clouds 172. Duel on Starkiller Base 23. The Death of Qui-Gon Jinn 73. The Emperor's New Enforcer 123. The Painful Truth 173. A Common loss 24. Destroying the Droid Ship 74. Padme Amidala's Good-bye 124. Bound by the Force 174. Assembling the map 25. Peace on Naboo 75. Hope Lives on Tatooine 125. Luke's New Hand 175. Reaching out to Luke 26. The Reunion of Anakin & Padme 76. Rebels Under Attack 126. Darth Vader's Inspection 176. Poe Dameron's Taunts 27. Attempt on the Queen 77. Hiding the Plans 127. Jabba the Hutt 177. Finn's Awakening 28. The Bounty Hunter 78. R2-D2 Kidnapped! 128. Luke Skywalker's Offer 178. Luke Skywalker's Hesitance 29. Dex and his Diner 79. Transaction at the Lars Homestead 129. Boushh and Her Bounty 179. Within the Jedi Library 30. The Jedi Archives 80. Tusken Raider Assault 130. Freeing Han Solo 180. Kylo Ren's Attack Run 31. Yoda's Class 81. Admiral Motti's insolence 131. Luke Skywalker Steps in 181. Back aboard the Millennium Falcon 32. Obi-Wan's Investigation 82. Back at Ben Kenobi's 132. Wrath of the Rancor 182. Admiral Holdo Takes Charge 33. Alone on Naboo 83. The Mos Eisley Cantina 133. Skiff Battle 183. Finn and Rose 34. The Clone Army 84. Introducing Han Solo 134. Back on Dagobah 184. A Secret Plan 35. Visions from Tatooine 85. Entering Hyperspace 135. Briefing on Home One 185. Rey's first Lessons 36. Fight in the Rain 86. Destroying Alderaan 136. The Emperor's Arrival 186. Fear of the Dark 37. Detonating the Sonic Charge 87. Luke Skywalker's Training Begins 137. Speeder Bike Chase 187. A Day at the Races 38. Back on the Homestead 88. Very Strange Cargo 138. Princess Leia and Wicket 188. Island Exercise 39. The Separatist Leaders 89. Disguised as Stormtroopers 139. Caught by Ewoks 189. Fragments from the Past 40. Anakin Skywalker's Rage 90. Last-Minute Rescue Mission 140. The Golden God 190. Escaping Canto Bight 41. Obi-Wan: Captured! 91. In the Garbage Compactor 141. Luke's Revelation 191. Rey's Dark Journey 42. Jar Jar's bold Move 92. Obi-Wan Kenobi's Mission 142. Surrendering to Darth Vader 192. The Truth about Kylo Ren 43. The Chancellor goes Supreme 93. Han Solo's Wild Bravery 143. Setting the Charges 193. Master and Student 44. Fighting Through the Factory 94. Swinging to Escape 144. Lando Calrissian and the Falcon 194. United Against Snoke 45. Execution in the Arena 95. Dueling on the Death Star 145. The Final Duel 195. Facing Phasma Again 46. The Jedi Arrive 96. A Daring Escape 146. Han Solo's Deception 196. Assault on Crait 47. A Fantastic Fight 97. Planning the Assault 147. Darth Vader Unmasked 197. Luke Skywalker's Stand 48. Duel of the Masters 98. Red 5 in Flight 148. Darth Vader's Funeral 198. The Fight against Kylo Ren 49. The Clone Wars Begin 99. The Death Star Destroyed! 149. Spirits of the Force 199. Passage of the Force 50. The Wedding of Anakin& Padme 100. Ceremony on Yavin 150. Rebels United 200. The Rebellion Reborn
2019: Chrome Legacy Base – Single Cards
2019: Chrome Legacy Base Single Cards There are 200 cards from the first 7 movies
2019 Chrome | 1. Ambassadors of the Republic, 2. Jedi Under Siege, 3. The Phantom Menace, 4. Bargaining for Jar Jar, 5. The Planet Core, 6. Theed Occupied, 7. Jedi Rescue, 8. The Apprentice Introduced, 9. The Hero: R2-D2, 10. Meeting Anakin, 11. Meeting R2-D2, 12. Mission of the Sith, 13. The Podrace, 14. Anakin's Victory, 15. Darth Maul's Attack, 16. Obi-Wan Kenobi, meet Anakin Skywalker, 17. Before the Jedi Council, 18. The Senate Chamber, 19. Anakin's Test, 20. The True Queen Revealed, 21. Facing the Sith Lord, 22. Duel of the Fates, 23. The Death of Qui-Gon Jinn, 24. Destroying the Droid Ship, 25. Peace on Naboo, 26. The Reunion of Anakin and Padme, 27. Attempt on the Queen, 28. The Bounty Hunter, 29. Dex and his Diner, 30. The Jedi Archives, 31. Yoda's Class, 32. Obi-Wan's Investigation, 33. Alone on Naboo, 34. The Clone Army, 35. Visions from Tatooine, 36. Fight in the Rain, 37. Detonating the Sonic Charge, 38. Back on the Homestead, 39. The Separatist Leaders, 40. Anakin Skywalker's Rage, 41. Obi-Wan: Captured!, 42. Jar Jar's bold Move, 43. The Chancellor goes Supreme, 44. Fighting Through the Factory, 45. Execution in the Arena, 46. The Jedi Arrive, 47. A Fantastic Fight, 48. Duel of the Masters, 49. The Clone Wars Begin, 50. The Wedding of Anakin and Padme, 51. Battle Over Coruscant, 52. Barely Landing, 53. Elevator Trouble, 54. Specializing in Sith Lords, 55. The Execution of Count Dooku, 56. Another Rough Landing, 57. Anakin's Appointment, 58. A Night at the Opera, 59. Wookiee Rage, 60. A Last Good-Bye, 61. Obi-Wan's Surprise Entrance, 62. Face to Face with General Grievous, 63. Palpatine's Proposition, 64. The End of General Grievous, 65. Mace Windu Confronts the Chancellor, 66. Mace Windu's Evasion, 67. The Rise of Darth Vader, 68. Order 66, 69. Captain Cody Takes Aim, 70. Yoda Survives, 71. Senate Room Showdown, 72. The Fight on Mustafar, 73. The Emperor's New Enforcer, 74. Padme Amidala's Good-bye, 75. Hope Lives on Tatooine, 76. Rebels Under Attack, 77. Hiding the Plans, 78. R2-D2 Kidnapped!, 79. Transaction at the Lars Homestead, 80. Tusken Raider Assault, 81. Admiral Motti's insolence, 82. Back at Ben Kenobi's, 83. The Mos Eisley Cantina, 84. Introducing Han Solo, 85. Entering Hyperspace, 86. Destroying Alderaan, 87. Luke Skywalker's Training Begins, 88. Very Strange Cargo, 89. Disguised as Stormtroopers, 90. Last-Minute Rescue Mission, 91. In the Garbage Compactor, 92. Obi-Wan Kenobi's Mission, 93. Han Solo's Wild Bravery, 94. Swinging to Escape, 95. Dueling on the Death Star, 96. A Daring Escape, 97. Planning the Assault, 98. Red 5 in Flight, 99. The Death Star Destroyed!, 100. Ceremony on Yavin, 101. The Frozen Wasteland, 102. An Icy Stand-off, 103. Hanging in the Ice, 104. Protection of the Tauntaun, 105. Darth Vader's Chamber, 106. The Imperial Walkers, 107. Into the Asteroid Field, 108. Swamp Crash, 109. Answering the Emperor's Call, 110. Introducing Yoda, 111. Kiss on the Falcon, 112. Escaping the Asteroid, 113. A Jedi's Training, 114. Bounty Hunter Line-Up, 115. Cave of Darkness, 116. Yoda's Shocking Power, 117. C-3PO Blasted!, 118. Dinner With Vader, 119. I Love You?, 120. I Know, 121. Han's Carbonite Prison, 122. Duel in the Clouds, 123. The Painful Truth, 124. Bound by the Force, 125. Luke's New Hand, 126. Darth Vader's Inspection, 127. Jabba the Hutt, 128. Luke Skywalker's Offer, 129. Boushh and Her Bounty, 130. Freeing Han Solo, 131. Luke Skywalker Steps in, 132. Wrath of the Rancor, 133. Skiff Battle, 134. Back on Dagobah, 135. Briefing on Home One, 136. The Emperor's Arrival, 137. Speeder Bike Chase, 138. Princess Leia and Wicket, 139. Caught by Ewoks, 140. The Golden God, 141. Luke's Revelation, 142. Surrendering to Darth Vader, 143. Setting the Charges, 144. Lando Calrissian and the Falcon, 145. The Final Duel, 146. Han Solo's Deception, 147. Darth Vader Unmasked, 148. Darth Vader's Funeral, 149. Spirits of the Force, 150. Rebels United, 151. Meeting In Secret, 152. Holding the Blaster Bolt, 153. The Conscientious Stormtrooper, 154. A Solitary Scavenger, 155. Rey at Home, 156. Poe's Interrogation, 157. Escaping the Crash, 158. Rey and Finn Meet, 159. Stealing the Millennium Falcon, 160. Han and Chewie Return, 161. Running from the Rathtar, 162. Inside Maz's Castle, 163. Rey's Awakening, 164. Starkiller Super-Beam, 165. Finn against FN-2199, 166. General Leia's Landing, 167. Escape through the Force, 168. Captain Phasma Bends, 169. A Joyous Reunion, 170. Father and Son Face off, 171. X-wing assault!, 172. Duel on Starkiller Base, 173. A Common loss, 174. Assembling the map, 175. Reaching out to Luke, 176. Poe Dameron's Taunts, 177. Finn's Awakening, 178. Luke Skywalker's Hesitance, 179. Within the Jedi Library, 180. Kylo Ren's Attack Run, 181. Back aboard the Millennium Falcon, 182. Admiral Holdo Takes Charge, 183. Finn and Rose, 184. A Secret Plan, 185. Rey's first Lessons, 186. Fear of the Dark, 187. A Day at the Races, 188. Island Exercise, 189. Fragments from the Past, 190. Escaping Canto Bight, 191. Rey's Dark Journey, 192. The Truth about Kylo Ren, 193. Master and Student, 194. United Against Snoke, 195. Facing Phasma Again, 196. Assault on Crait, 197. Luke Skywalker's Stand, 198. The Fight against Kylo Ren, 199. Passage of the Force, 200. The Rebellion Reborn |
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